Wednesday 15 April 2009

Scenes from Bar Rodney

Dear James,

Here's Mirko's band Temperley Lo Sabe playing on the tiny stage at Bar Rodney, the bar opposite Chacarita Cemetery where we went the other day (roast chicken not pictured). I was looking into the story of the bar and trying to find out if it's true that David Byrne owns it. I've drawn a blank so far, but I did find this blog which features a video by La Portuaria and David Byrne, shot in Bar Rodney.

Mirko's other band in Buenos Aires is McCondom, as seen here. You can see guest blogger of the month Elsa at 0.10. I have fond memories of singing along to this at a gig in San Telmo in 2007, although I didn't know the words. I have less clearer memories of falling asleep at the bar during one of their gigs, in full view of the band. They didn't like that.

And no blog on McCondom would be complete without mine and Prince's favourite McCondom song, Manic Monday. Although one might also say that a blog about a bar called Rodney is incomplete without this "classic" Only Fools and Horses clip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gracias por el homenaje.

Aguante Air Guitar!

Saludos desde Oslo.