Monday 6 April 2009

hope you guess my name

dear you both James and Danny
Danny you call me Elsa the Elf, i really love it because the recto of my family name is ... Elfman... famous Elfman also called... Danny... yes yes this is something like a destiny for sure. i post this boring interview, that i love , with my ex boyfriend, M.Manson, at these time he used to eat my underwear and we had fun. golden times. When we separated and i discovered a new passion, became a cook and went on with the alimentary chain...
I would enjoy to be a safari guide for a landscape which few people know exits...

Dear James,

My most sincerest apologies for asking Elfwoman to blog with us. You turn your back for one weekend and all havoc breaks loose. Although I'm sure you're thinking that the Elf writes very similarly to Vincent the Belgian, and that on it's own has it's benefits. Tomorrow I will listen to and watch these videos and make sarcastic comments. And why don't you come too? As the chap from Going For Gold used to say. It's suddenly become frightfully international over here.

Dear Elsa,

That's a fine song by Mr. Manson there. Did you really go out with him? We don't believe you. I once kissed a girl who later slept with the guitarist from Blur, and James once drove the guitarist from Blur from Leeds to York. That's about it.

Dear Daniel,

I'm back! And I don't recognise the place. You've moved the sofa, there's nothing in the fridge and there's a strange woman in my chair.

I'd forgotten that Graham Coxon connection (a Coxection?). That means you've kissed him in 2.

Dear Elsa,

Hello. Do you know where Daniel has put the toilet roll?

Dear James,

There is no toilet roll. Please use the A4 printing paper I left on the bathroom floor until Elsa takes the hint and buys some toilet paper.

Dear Elsa,

Please buy some toilet paper. Thanks.

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