Sunday 5 April 2009

Oliver´s Army - Accidents Will Happen

Dear James,

Dear oh dear, four posts in a day. Though strictly thinking it´s now Sunday where you are.

So, the story of this post. I found this article about Thatcher in The Guardian. We marked 27 years since the start of the Falklands War here last Thursday, today in England they celebrate (?) 30 years since Thatcher came to power. It was also the week that Raul Alfonsin died, Alfonsin having come to power after Argentina´s defeat in the conflict and the gradual return to democracy. Funny how these three things come at the same time. I enjoyed the article, particularly the last lines:

The Grantham Journal recently polled its readers about what to do with a vacant site near the Asda roundabout. Should there be a bronze statue of Lady Thatcher, the readers of the paper were asked, or would they prefer "the return of the Wyndham Park steamroller"?

Eighty-five per cent of respondents opted for the steamroller.

I used to play on that steamroller in Wyndham Park, it was one of my favourite parts of visiting my Nanna in Grantham, along with playing bagotel, sampling her baking from her larder, playing subbuteo on her deep-shag carpet (you could lob the keeper if you stuck your thumb under the player correctly) and combining the viewing of Sons and Daughters, Countdown and a quick game of Scrabble before Uncle Michael came home for his beans on toast.

Before I go to Funseeker´s sister´s ¨flat-warming as a single girl¨party, I´ll leave you with the knowledge that if you do a search for äccidents will happen¨, you get a Thomas the Tank Engine rip-off, and that Elvis Costello once said this about Grantham´second-favourite daughter:

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