Sunday 11 January 2009

Suffer For Fashion

Dear Daniel,

Since you posted before The Christmas Of Barbeques, I have been mulling over my songs of the year. And, well, I have a shortlist. But it all exists in my head at the moment and since I've promised to write to you in this way tonight and not delay delay delay I shall have to do something different with the songs of 2008 and spread them out over various messages to you. Everyone's a winner.

Well, it's the new year. I don't usually put much effort into resolutions (neither the construction of nor the subsequent crashing failure to achieve) but this year I've decided to get out to some more gigs. More bands than ever are getting into vans and driving up and down the country (which is one reason we decided not to in 2008) but I've seen fewer than ever before. And so to Of Montreal's Suffer for Fashion which I think may have been one of my tracks of 2008 (time is passing really quickly - it may have been a track of 2007) and which I would very much like to seek out live in 2009.

Something you may not know about me is that I'm a big fan of the Elephant 6 collective. Ever since you left me for a year and I had to set up a radio station to fill my time. That's when I discovered and played the Olivia Tremor Control's Jumping Fences to everyone eating in The Park. Unfortunately for them, I didn't know how to operate the studio desk and was also playing bits of Dog On Wheels by Belle and Sebastian to them as I tried to line that song up, ready to play next. I'm better than that now. Of Montreal have strong links to those 90s psych fellows and it shows.

Dear James,

It's growing on me that one. But reading Bill Drummond has had a similar effect on me as listening to Coldplay for the first time: is this all we can do with guitars and drums? Maybe the rest of The Scroops songs should avoid using all these things, but then we'd be left with a very twee album of ukuleles and melodicas.

Do tell us more about Elephant6. Last year I went to a grand total of one gig (or three if I include friends' bands), so I'm obliged to say that Kaiser Chiefs was the best band I saw live last year. Maybe I should get out more too.

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