Tuesday 7 July 2009

Fear's a Man's Best Friend

Dear James,

As I just mentioned to you elsewhere (I just make these allusions about enigmatic private conversations here so we can sell our private correspondence in a couple of years to the highest bidder), after posting the comment in the Guardian website for the post below, we got 160 readers in a day. As opposed to the usual 6. However, my post there has now been removed by the moderator. Does this make me a spammer? Even though it was an ironic post about spamming? Oh well.

That was the second bit of good news today. The first was that in my scriptwriting course, the teacher and script writer Jorge Maestro (think Carla Lane, only without Bread. And an Argentinian man instead of a Liverpudlian woman, clearly) read out my script idea, which was an adaptation for TV of that there novel I was meant to be writing. I was very excited and very embarrassed all at once. It was like that moment with my mum when I was ten I told you about, only far less scarring. And more exciting.

So, I didn't have a title for this future award-winning sitcom, but I came out of the class, turned on my i-pod and Duels' "What We Did Wrong" was the first song that came on, and I thought "Hello, there's a name for a sitcom, and it's also the song I most associate with my divorce, and it would make a great theme tune". Sadly, there's no video of the song available on the web. The second song on the i-pod was John Cale's "Fear's a Man's Best Friend", so I'm going to call the sitcom that instead.

Here's Mr. Cale doing his best at butchering a fine tune, in that timeless former-Velvet-Undergournd-member style. There's a better version, but it cuts out half way.

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