Monday 6 July 2009

Face In

Dutch Uncles - 'Face In' Music Video from RedLettuceCamera on Vimeo.

Dear James,

Here's a thing. I'm a regular reader of Charlie Brooker's column in the Guardian, mostly so that I can get some idea as to what I'll be like in 5 years' time if I don't cheer the fuck up or get married or both. From what I can gather, the 38-year old me is a still a grumpy twat, but at least he's funny and has got a job being funny for the Guardian and other people. Although presumably he also has the wherewithal to get grumpy twat writing jobs, something I've yet to master.

In this week's column he mentions how someone pointed out to him that his doppelganger appears in the Dutch Uncles video above, at 1:05. He does as well. And the song is mysteriously called "Face In". Now, I may be given to willy-nilly conspiracies, but do you think this band thought "let's find a doppelganger of a minor media figure, stick his "face in" our video and watch the whole viral thing kick in and take us to the toppermost of the poppermost"? I think it's a reasonable theory. And it's worked too, because I've now posted this and we made Little Boots famous, so, you know.

And while I'm here, I should direct you to another hay-fever sufferer who made me laugh today. Remember, it's all in the mind.


Unknown said...

Good detective skills. You're a regular Columbo with regards to the 'face in' question you pose

Tunnard said...

Yes I am. Thank you. I think.