Tuesday 16 December 2008

Canción Para Mi Muerte

Dear James,

I was going to post this as a link from the other Sui Generis song below, but this video is just so good I have to post it here and now. If you don't like it, I don't think I can be your friend anymore.

Dear Daniel,

It's alright! I like it! We can still be friends. I liked it the best on that compilation you made for me. I remember us listening it together at one point and you telling me who it was. Immediately, I forgot, while Doug Stegmeyer remained. So I'm glad you've brought it up again, thank you. What's a snow clone?

Dear James,

A snowclone is a set phrase that can be adapted for the purposes of comedic humour, such as including "moment of zen" anywhere you like, the phrase "no xs were hurt in the making of this y" and "x is the new y", as in that popular mid-70s dictum, "Stegmeyer is the new Moon". I have a friend called Stegmayer, you know? I remember on the compilation tape this song segued into Cat Stevens' Father and Son. That was one big hippierama.

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