Thursday 6 August 2009

Que Je t'aime

Dear James,

One of the clichés of the modern world is the metal band playing a pop classic. It's been done. Today Josefina pointed out to me a case of the same man taking his 70s ballad and turning it into metallic shit. Yes, a big steel turd.

I always remember Johnny Halliday for popping up in my French GCSE exam. He wasn't invigilating, there was merely a reading comprehansion article about him. Other things you may not know about Johnny: he once recorded an album of songs specially written by U2; he hired the Small Faces in 1969 to record his Riviere album; the Jimi Hendrix Experience's first gig was opening for Johnny in 1966; in 2006 his application for Belgian citizenship was turned down; and he has the world's largest collection of cookie jars.

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