Tuesday 18 November 2008

Sweet Home Alabama

Dear James,
Is this the worst song ever?
This was on VH1 right before the Hey Saint Peter video, and was no doubt instrumental in heightening my appreciation of the latter. This video has so many things to dislike:
-the barrels under the drum-riser (0:30). Why? Do they have a constant supply of Jack Daniels fed intravenously into every one in the audience so they'll holler more? Are Lynyrd Skynyrd vintners?
- the double bass drum (0:31). Why again? Are they going to launch into a Slayer cover? Or does the drummer have a small penis?
-the futility of having a keyboard player (0:41) with two keyboards for a song that consists of the same three chords over and over again. Is the keyboard pink as well? Does the keyboard player have a small etc and so on?
-all these references to the south (0:59). Can you imagine if there was a war between north and south England, the north lost and Stuart Maconie was left wandering the theatres of West Yorks. with an obsolete flag singing "Sweet Home Wakefield Westgate"? I bet you can.
-there are at least 9 people on stage to perform a song that could easily be done by 4. Are Lynyrd Skynyrd the new GNR? Do they run some kind of musicians' cooperative? Is it so that half the musicians can play interminable solos? Ah.
-the hair. Can't the ageing backing singers share their conditioner around? Sadly, Lynyrd Skynyrd got their name from gym teacher Leonard Skinner, who enforced the school's anti-long hair policy. I suppose once you've made that kind of statement, the barber shop's kind of out.
- I think this is where GNR got their inspiration for their 10-minute version of Knockin on Heaven's Door hey hey hey hey hey yay.

Charlie Garcia, Argentinian nutjob and occasional musician, did a cover of this called Sweet Home Buenos Aires. You don't really want to click on that link.

Alternatively you can watch Free Bird and tell me whether that slide guitar is out of tune or not.

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